Who am i?

Please allow me to introduce myself: my name is Fleur Hoogendoorn and I am a student at the University of Utrecht.

This year I aim to obtain my Master’s degree named International Relations in Historical Perspective. This interdisciplinary Master is unique since it combines international relations and history by looking at contemporary international issues through a broad historical context. After all, it is only through a proper understanding of the past that we can begin to understand the future.

This Master has given me the opportunity to develop critical thinking and analytical skills by analyzing various primary and secondary sources, constructing evidence-based arguments and assessing competing narratives which are vital in understanding complex global issues. Moreover, by going beyond politics and studying the broader social, cultural and economic dimensions of international issues such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or the American-Afghan War, I am able to understand the broader context of these various issues.

I would describe myself as a people-person, because I love learning about people’s backgrounds and their experiences.

I have no difficulty striking up a conversation and making people feel comfortable in my presence.

I also have no problem staying motivated and energetic once I am provided with the chance to get my teeth into a complex social or political issue, as I love finding creative solutions to contemporary problems.

Since I am an emphatic person, I hope that I can leave the world a better place than I found it, even if my part will be a small one.